Monday, November 30, 2009

you will always be home, sweet home, to me...

I am excited about my trip to Tennessee in a little over 2 weeks! I have missed this view. I have missed my family and friends. This is what I will see, hopefully, when I wake up while I am visiting. Sometimes I really think about what it would be like to move back. What would take me there? A job? That is highly unlikely. It may be the dark colors of the mountains that do it. Or maybe the lack of an income tax. It definitely won't be for the horrible state that the public education system is in. Unless they hire me.

If I move home, I plan on having me some Tennessee Walking horses again, maybe a garden (a garden for me will probably consist of an herb garden in my window), getting myself on the hiking trail, frying biscuits and eggs with my family early on a fall day in a state park, enjoying a pint with Ben, showing the sights to someone special.

It is almost as if I want another chance in that place. When I got older, I used to fondly remember the good ole days of my high school years and how I will never have them back. I realize now that those were the days I felt more comfortable, when I wasn't so afraid to live my life; I had friends who were the same way. However, I have all of those same things now...MORE than I ever did.

That being said, I want to go back and see it through different eyes (mine), unaltered by any kind of glasses or shades or goggles or whatever. I can think of all of the good times and enjoy them rather than grasp for them.

I am on the right track. Instead of wishing for the good days, I finally have them.

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